DOS attack in Android mobile using Termux - JefficJoy

Denial Of Service (DOS)

     A Denial of Service, or DoS, is a category of cyber attack that involves culprits incapacitating a targeted server from a single computer, rendering the targeted server unavailable to users.

This can usually be achieved by flooding a victim’s server with traffic or disrupting server connections.

    Attackers send messages to a network or server requesting authentication of requests. These messages feature void return addresses, rendering the network or server unable to solve the issue and thus causing the connection to cease.

    A key factor in these attacks is the excessive frequency of messages sent.

    The ways in which a victim can tell if they have been attacked by a DoS, as cited by experts, include a decrease in network performance, unavailable access to a certain site, and a higher than average volume of spam email.

    The motives for a DoS attack usually lie in the wish to cause inconvenience to a particular person or organisation, but rarely is it carried out for financial gain.

Steps to Install

  1. Install and Open Termux app in androind mobile.
         $ pkg update
        $ pkg install python
        $ pkg install git
        $ git clone
        $ ls
        $ cd hammer
        $ ls
   hammer header.txt
         $ chmod +x
   hammer header.txt
         $ ./
           ./ -s ip or site address -p port number -t turbo
        $ ./ -s -p 80 -t 135

    *  Now Attack started sending a n number of request(packet sending hamering)

    * Bot is hammering

* If you want stop the Attack press CTRL+C
